Saturday, March 14, 2015

Docker – A lightweight open-platform that works like a charm!!

Docker is not just a hyped technology, it is proving its metal and providing contemporary ways to manage distributed applications.

Most of the architects have either started leveraging Docker or planning to do it in near future – that’s the impact it has made in such a short time-frame and search on Google Trends says it all:

A simple analogy - Docker is like a ZIP archive (or EAR), which packages all dependencies in a single bundle to be shipped independently. It can be opened by any tool, which understands ZIP format.

The search on Google Trends says it all about it's popularity:

A quick glance at Docker's capabilities:

A quick set of instructions to get a container running locally with Tomcat using Docker to showcase it's ease-of-use.

·       Step 1 – Install Docker on your system
      Install Docker by following the link below based on the platform you are using (Yes, even Windows is supported)

·       Step 2 – Pull Tomcat Image from Docker repository (No need to download tomcat – docker magic of repository)
$sudo docker pull tomcat
·       Step 3 – Start Tomcat container
$sudo docker run –i –t tomcat /bin/bash
$cd /usr/local/tomcat/bin
$tail –f ../logs/catalina.out
·       Alternative Step (instead of step 3) – You can simply use following short-cut command:
$sudo docker run tomcat

It’s quite obvious that Docker is not just all words; action speaks louder than words!!

A simple consolidation of all Docker's use-cases & the list is expanding:


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